Do You Want To Prescribe Vision Restoration Therapy To Your Patients?
Getting started with NovaVision is easy. NovaVision is always seeking physicians to whom we can refer patients looking for a prescribing healthcare professional in their locality, and is interested in receiving referrals for potential patients for VRT. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
We also offer our NovaVision Professional Model. This will enable you to register patients directly in your practice through your dedicated portal for the NovaVision VRT and NeuroEyeCoach Therapy Suite or for NeuroEyeCoach on its own. Once registered, patients can start their therapy program while in the physician’s presence, if they wish, and then continue at home.
As the treating physician, you will be able to monitor your patients’ progress through the portal and if desired you can meet with your patients during or at the completion of their therapy to review results, which are also accessible by the physician in the portal.
- NovaVision’s retail price for the VRT and NeuroEyeCoach suite is $950 (including $50 refundable chinrest deposit) and for NeuroEyeCoach alone $450.
- The physician may choose to charge each patient a fee that better suits the practice/clinic.
- The physician will be charged $750 (including chinrest deposit) to administer a patient performing VRT and NeuroEyeCoach, and $250 to administer a NeuroEyeCoach patient.
NovaVision will also provide the physician’s office with the VRT and NeuroEyeCoach software, user manuals, marketing materials and continued technical support.
VRT and NeuroEyeCoach should not be administered to patients who: have a history of photosensitive seizures; are suffering acute inflammation of the eyes or central nervous system; have major cognitive defects; are not able to sit upright and focus on a task for 15-30 minutes, twice a day.