Patient Start-Up Process
Please refer to the eligibility requirements, contraindications, warnings and risks before considering if a patient is suitable for VRT.
The patient will require a visual field examination, a VRT Prescription Form and the completion of various other forms. The patient should then call NovaVision Patient Services or register with NovaVision online; alternatively, a physician can register the patient if they participate in the NovaVision Professional Physician Model.
During the registration process, NovaVision will verify the patient’s candidacy and once complete including payment, NovaVision will send the patient a chinrest and activate their therapy license. Guides will be provided to help the patient download, set up and start their therapy. The patient will then complete a series of tests to evaluate their vision deficit. NovaVision then analyzes the test results to create and send the patient a customized therapy program.
The patient should create then begin their twice-daily therapy regimen as soon as possible. The therapy will be updated regularly based on the patient’s deficit and progress with the treatment. During the course of the therapy, the physician will be provided with the patient’s regular results reports and can meet with the patient at any time to evaluate progress.
More Information About Vision Loss Post Stroke or Brain Injury and the Therapy
You may also view common questions and answers on NovaVision’s VRT FAQs or contact NovaVision at 1.888.205.0800 or through NovaVision’s Contact form
How To Prescribe
Please download these forms to start the Prescription process.