This month we are featuring a testimonial from our patient Max. We are happy to hear that our Vision Restoration Therapy had a significant improvement in his activities of daily life and that he is now able to drive again. Here is Max’s testimonial: “After my stroke in April 2017 I had suffered from a...
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NovaVision offers two different therapy programs for rehabilitation of neurological vision loss - NeuroEyeCoach and Vision Restoration Therapy (VRT) – which we provide in a single therapy suite for $900. These therapies do different things, and in this blog we explain why it makes the most sense to do both these therapies, one after the...
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Last month, we introduced you to Carole Urban who has started a new job, ran her first marathon and has published a book since being treated by NovaVision for her loss of vision resulting from her earlier motorbike accident. This month, we would like you to meet Dan Burke. Dan was only 25 years old when he...
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Did you know that nearly one third of all stroke victims are under the age of 65 and therefore most likely still working? For many survivors, this means a difficult return to the work place on top of an already challenging recovery. A considerable amount of people who have survived a stroke or traumatic brain...
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We are back this month with a testimonial from our patient John. He had to overcome some hurdles before beginning VRT but at the end it was all worth it. We are happy to hear that our therapies have had a significant improvement in his activities of daily life. Here is John’s testimonial: “In May...
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After suffering from a stroke your vision can often slip to the back burner as your survival becomes your top priority. The fact of the matter is that your vision disorders have a significant knock on effect to other activities of daily living. For this reason, rehabilitation at the appropriate time can be imperative to...
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